Saturday, April 26, 2008


Ok, it's official..Senator Clinton CAN NOT WIN in the delegate count and do you really think that the remaining super delegates will all go to her, when in fact many have jumped ship to Senator Obama? This is done. We all now this is done. Senator Clinton has to know this. I just don't know why she is prolonging this-what is her real motive? You know that is the roles were reversed Senator Obama would be screamed at by everyone to step down. I hear the talking heads on the news say only she could do this because her last name is Clinton. ....Give me another break.

I think that Senator Obama is playing the right move and focusing his attention on John McCain. This is where it should be. It's time to chip away or rather cleave off this picture perfect image the press has made of him. He certainly has given the Democrats ample ammunition against him....Iraq, Iran, his lack of a sound economic proposal, oh and not wanting to modernize the GI Bill..among many other things. The straight talk express is just one big train wreck!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

She's Lost That Losing Feeling

This race for the Democrats has gone on way to long.

The basic point is this: neither candidate will have the magic number needed even after the delegates and states are tallied; however, there will be a leader in those numbers. That leader as we all can see is Senator Barack Obama.

Now if the Party or supporters want to argue and complain about the process, that is fine...after the race is done. We have to follow this through they way it is for now. I do hope there are some changes made to how this process works. Right now though we are stuck in the middle of this and we need to get moving forward if we are going to win against John McCain.

The pundits and analysts are re-cycling and re-cycling the same talking points, the same ideas and it's driving me crazy. McCain keeps making fumble after fumble asking for a good old fashioned criticism, but we are mired down with our best candidate in the nomination mud. Senator Clinton needs to step up to the plate after Pennsylvania and say OK I get it. I think she knows that..I just don't know why she keeps giving the impression this is still up for grabs. There is a wide gulf between graciously stepping aside and possibly harming your Party due to your own agenda. I'm so disappointed in the Senator and I worry that she gives voters a bad impression of what a woman-leader could be like. As a woman, I'm all for equal rights, opportunities, etc.. but I also think a woman should have the grace and eloquence to realize when she needs to take a different leadership position. This is Senator Clinton's chance to say hey I came close and ran a heck of a race but I lost this one; however there are other races to win. She is still a Senator (no small thing) and she could still rise in politics yet and be a great asset to the Party, the voters and the newly elected President Barack Obama.