Friday, February 29, 2008


Now you know it's bad when Karl Rove says tone down the negative name calling.

I think there are two statements we can make about this election season so far..1. People want change 2. People are tired of the negativity

The ad hominem attacks are getting really old, the emphasis on strange names and funny looking pictures makes us groan and the mockery of others-is just shameful. We are tired of this negativity and all the distractions that come with it. I have no problem with pointing out differences, preferences and good old fashioned point counter point discussions. This is a highly charged contest with emotions running high in all camps and on all sides. People are energized and motivated-moved to levels I have never seen before. The candidates themselves, are working in over-drive mode to prove to us their mettle and their merits. I applaud this outpouring of energy and rejuvenation of interest in the democratic process. I just have one plea-keep it above board. The whole world is watching along with us, to see who we will pick. The candidates and the supporters need to be respectful of each other and not let themselves get mired into a cesspool of mud-slinging. It's degrading behavior and it's embarrassing to watch.

Like I said, when the modern Machiavelli of political subterfuge himself cries foul, it's not a good sign.

So let's keep it together and show some class- and keep the theatrics for home movies, reality TV shows and soap operas.

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