Thursday, July 10, 2008

From SF with LOVE to Ohio

Greetings to everyone out in Ohio!

To all of you who are busy as bees working hard for the OBAMA campaign-keep up the good work! Ohio will be one of the important states and every vote counts. Phone bank, talk to your friends, go door to door, email, blog, whatever you can spare to help. I know the volunteers and fellows are working long hours every day and could use some words of encouragement as well. Bake some cookies or drop off a favorite dish to help keep our workers fired up and ready to go!

Great work fellows and volunteers......and a special shout out to Matt on the TOLEDO TEAM!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Birthing Pains

Well, we are finally here and the primaries are finally over.

Now the real work begins....

On a personal note we are doing all that we can to help ensure that Senator Obama is our next President. My husband will be going back to Ohio for a month to help in any way possible.

It is imperative that we all come together and unite behind Senator Obama. I know some people are still upset and even crushed that Senator Clinton did not win. We must come together though, as the alternative is unthinkable. We can not fight another war and we can not continue to stay in the mess we are in. The economy will keep getting worse, job loss will continue and millions will suffer from lack of health coverage. We must unite!

Senator Obama will give us the chance to do something different, be involved and help grow this new administration. A new administration built by us, that will help to change America. Then we will have a new America-the way it was meant to be. Lets' get back to the America that the founding fathers envisioned, the America that Lincoln fought so desperately to keep together and the America that FDR helped to build.

This is our chance to help in the re-birth of America. It is time for the arrival of America's enlightenment.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Poisoning the well

Senator Clinton has gone over and beyond the line.

Anyone who can still possibly support her disaster of a campaign is in need of a reality check.

Regardless of any points she was "trying" to make, historical or simply never should never ever invoke the word assassination. Once again, I do not know which was worse..uttering that word or her "attempt" at explaining why she said it.

She needs to bow out now, but I'm sure she will not. I only pray that she has not damaged the support for our party too badly and that Senator Obama will be able to continue helping to heal the country.

So may next question much lower will she stoop?

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Ok, it's official..Senator Clinton CAN NOT WIN in the delegate count and do you really think that the remaining super delegates will all go to her, when in fact many have jumped ship to Senator Obama? This is done. We all now this is done. Senator Clinton has to know this. I just don't know why she is prolonging this-what is her real motive? You know that is the roles were reversed Senator Obama would be screamed at by everyone to step down. I hear the talking heads on the news say only she could do this because her last name is Clinton. ....Give me another break.

I think that Senator Obama is playing the right move and focusing his attention on John McCain. This is where it should be. It's time to chip away or rather cleave off this picture perfect image the press has made of him. He certainly has given the Democrats ample ammunition against him....Iraq, Iran, his lack of a sound economic proposal, oh and not wanting to modernize the GI Bill..among many other things. The straight talk express is just one big train wreck!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

She's Lost That Losing Feeling

This race for the Democrats has gone on way to long.

The basic point is this: neither candidate will have the magic number needed even after the delegates and states are tallied; however, there will be a leader in those numbers. That leader as we all can see is Senator Barack Obama.

Now if the Party or supporters want to argue and complain about the process, that is fine...after the race is done. We have to follow this through they way it is for now. I do hope there are some changes made to how this process works. Right now though we are stuck in the middle of this and we need to get moving forward if we are going to win against John McCain.

The pundits and analysts are re-cycling and re-cycling the same talking points, the same ideas and it's driving me crazy. McCain keeps making fumble after fumble asking for a good old fashioned criticism, but we are mired down with our best candidate in the nomination mud. Senator Clinton needs to step up to the plate after Pennsylvania and say OK I get it. I think she knows that..I just don't know why she keeps giving the impression this is still up for grabs. There is a wide gulf between graciously stepping aside and possibly harming your Party due to your own agenda. I'm so disappointed in the Senator and I worry that she gives voters a bad impression of what a woman-leader could be like. As a woman, I'm all for equal rights, opportunities, etc.. but I also think a woman should have the grace and eloquence to realize when she needs to take a different leadership position. This is Senator Clinton's chance to say hey I came close and ran a heck of a race but I lost this one; however there are other races to win. She is still a Senator (no small thing) and she could still rise in politics yet and be a great asset to the Party, the voters and the newly elected President Barack Obama.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mr. President

Enough said...

Senator Obama had the guts and the eloquence to discuss a topic that lingers in every facet of society-from dinner tables to board rooms and from lecture halls to yes..even church services.

The issue of race overlaps many other issues and this had to be addressed..and Senator Obama was just the person to address it. You have to address this first before you can move on to Iraq, the economy, health care, education, etc.

Bravo Senator Obama..You have reminded me that once in awhile..once in a great great while people in government stand for things in order to help others and not for political gain. Hmm I seem to remember another issue he stood for in a certain way that seemed highly controversial....

I don't know about you-but this is the kind of President I want and the kind the country needs.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

McCain/Clinton...that's the ticket

I just don't see any other reason as to why Senator Clinton would keep her aggressive campaign going, unless she wants to really be VP...

.....for McCain.

I'm not alone in this assumption either; and I really can't think of any good reasons for her to continue what she is doing. This is causing severe damage to the party, to supporters and to both Democratic candidates. She really needs to take a step back and look at what is happening-is the destruction of the Democratic party worth ambition? My opinion of her keeps dropping and when I hear her talk and see how she behaves-I shake my head. She embarrasses me as a woman and as an American. She may say she is all for unity but I don't see it. She says we will beat the Republicans this time around (how when you beat your competitor up, then say you want him as VP?) She seems more and more Republican sounding to me and remember she was a Goldwater girl.

Well maybe she should go for VP on the Republican side...she is a hawk, voted for Kyle-Lieberman, is divisive like McCain and represents the old way of doing things....

I wonder what their bumper stickers would look like?

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Audacity of Hill

I think someone and their campaign might suffer from foot in mouth disease.

Do Senator Clinton and her campaign people even think before they say something? Is there not even a slight pause before they cram their own muddy shoe into their face? Did they not think the media, the Obama campaign and even the ordinary person would not ask-How can Senator Obama be ok for Veep but not for Prez?

Let's not even mention who is actually ahead in pledged delegates and popular votes.

So Senator Clinton really wants Senator Obama as her VP? Even after comparing him to Rove, Bush and Kenneth Starr? Even after saying he has no experience except for a speech in 2002? After even basically endorsing Senator McCain above Obama!?

....Give me a break!

This has only further proved in my opinion that Senator Clinton will say anything at the moment to sway a crowd, get a reaction and...oh wait a minute...Didn't she accuse Senator Obama of giving high emotional speeches? Didn't she accuse him of just using words?

Hmmm..I would have thought with all of her many years of life experience-she would have been able to avoid this diet of footwear.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Politics of Realness Vs Smoke and Fears

Here we go again.

I find it so interesting to watch these two Democratic candidates and how they are running their campaigns. I keep trying to imagine that I have not picked my candidate to see them both again fresh and new. I want to imagine what a person from Wyoming or Pennsylvania will see in the weeks to come. I keep trying and I keep coming up with the same conclusion...taking the whole change vs. experience argument to the side, or the whole vetted and tested (whatever that means-does that mean she had all her vaccinations?)vs new ideas and sound judgement argument...I'm left with two candidates who really have different approaches and characters.

When I hear Senator Clinton-I hear a shrill message of negative cutting remarks (xerox change?), shady rhetoric and bold assertions that really smack of hubris. She always seems angry and keeps speaking about being a fighter (I thought we need to heal the country?). Her campaign has been all over the place in terms of messages and strategies (If you can't run your can you run the country?). What about all the in-fighting within her campaign? I think the people that you surround yourself with and who are attracted to your cause, say a lot about you.

When I hear Senator Obama-I hear a new and fresh voice that echoes the best of us and what we would dare to do. He is such a class act and a gentlemen (something that would not hurt to bring back to the White House). Yes he is young and I do see how that could cause people to pause...until you look at his background of working to unite and create real change. He has new approaches and ideas to solving old problems. After all the heart-breaking misery of the last 7 years-it will take a President who is both inspirational and has the sound judgement to help us grow and come together. His plans make sense and his words are genuine..sure he stumbles and stutters (but I do not think those answers are rehearsed).

Never before has an election been for and about us..until now. I want my President to be grounded in reality with a positive eye on the future. A President who knows it will be tough but is ready for the challenge with the right people and the right real judgement. Someone who has made the right decisions and not pandered or bowed to popularity; but instead used clarity of thought and common sense. In fact Senator Obama is the only one who has been consistent with his message and has run a well organized and team-oriented, grassroots campaign....from day one.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Now you know it's bad when Karl Rove says tone down the negative name calling.

I think there are two statements we can make about this election season so far..1. People want change 2. People are tired of the negativity

The ad hominem attacks are getting really old, the emphasis on strange names and funny looking pictures makes us groan and the mockery of others-is just shameful. We are tired of this negativity and all the distractions that come with it. I have no problem with pointing out differences, preferences and good old fashioned point counter point discussions. This is a highly charged contest with emotions running high in all camps and on all sides. People are energized and motivated-moved to levels I have never seen before. The candidates themselves, are working in over-drive mode to prove to us their mettle and their merits. I applaud this outpouring of energy and rejuvenation of interest in the democratic process. I just have one plea-keep it above board. The whole world is watching along with us, to see who we will pick. The candidates and the supporters need to be respectful of each other and not let themselves get mired into a cesspool of mud-slinging. It's degrading behavior and it's embarrassing to watch.

Like I said, when the modern Machiavelli of political subterfuge himself cries foul, it's not a good sign.

So let's keep it together and show some class- and keep the theatrics for home movies, reality TV shows and soap operas.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bushopoly anyone?

I recently witnessed an interview clip of President George Bush (junior) giving the most unbelievable answer as to why the economy has gone downhill. First after throwing a (well so what) face he goes on to say..well I think there are too many houses. What? Too many houses? Now how does that make sense? I know he really is at a total disconnect when it comes to us-but too many houses? Really? I sat there and thought how could anyone be so..oh wait a minute...I get it...

The President thinks we are playing monopoly! I know that game know the one where you have the fake colored money and cool but weird little silver player markers. So I see, he thinks we are running around the board play acting with little green houses and property cards! In that case that makes perfect sense because you have a good chance of probably winding up in jail, due to the fact you can't pay high rents, due to a player having built TOO MANY HOUSES! I get it now..and I bet Mr. (I put the vice in vice-President) Cheney has all the Get Out of Jail Cards Free and both utilities. It also makes perfect sense now (since we are playing this game) that we have fake fake that we do not have any unless you call that tray full of IOUs a bank....speaking of that who is minding the so-called bank? Just how many players are considered good enough to be even considered players on this board game? What silver marker is he? More importantly how many more plays is he going to get in before the game ends?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Calling San Francisco...

The FISA Bill was a complete joke. It was outrageous, in fact the only thing more outrageous was that not many knew about it. Most people I asked about it had heard the word FISA but did not know what it meant. This really concerns me. When a bill is put forward to insure the safety of phone companies who listen in on us for the government..and no one really discusses it, oh and by the way there were no court orders to do this? This really really concerns me. This goes beyond the idea of a slippery slope towards losing privacy. The slope was thrown out and we are already in the midst of a dangerous heap at the bottom of that said slope. The fact that the current administration is trying to push the idea that this bill would protect the everyday citizen from terrorism-is insulting and just plain wrong. The other part of this that really bothers me-is that the dirty deed was carried out in a secret room in my beloved city. SF say it isn't so.

Lastly, I ask you to look up who voted for and against this phony anti-terrorism bill. In particular-any certain presidential candidates? Please, please keep at least a little informed about these issues-it affects you all.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Choose Wisely

Alright I will admit it. I'm an unabashed Obama supporter-a hope monger, Obamerican, on the O-train, fired up and ready to go. I voted for him already here in California, have talked to many people about him, volunteered at events, attended house parties and joined in on the blogs. I have a number of reasons as to why I support him-feel free to use these as well if you are a fellow supporter. If you are not a supporter or are undecided -please consider my reasons.

1. He was against the Iraq war from the start-He really was against the War even when he was not in a position to vote yeah or ne. How many people do you know that would stand up for an unpopular but moral and valid decision? He made the right call and at a time when he could have done in his political career even before it started.

2. He brings people together from all sides. He is the true "uniter." Obama has shown over and over his broad appeal among people of all political backgrounds. Isn't it time to bring people together and actually get something constructive done in government?

3. He makes sense and he gets it. He knows what the average person has been through and what they have been up against. When you look at where he stands on issues and how he wants to go about change-it makes sense. Gee..real life solutions and ideas to solve real life problems-how novel.

4. He inspires us. Yeah he is inspiring, and what is wrong with that? People make comments from time to time about hope-but you need to realize something. Hope is the first step in getting anything done-you need HOPE coupled with BELIEF to give you the MOTIVATION and DRIVE to get things DONE.

5. He asks us to do this together. So not only do we feel good but we now want to be involved in the political process. I said myself that this was my first campaign to be involved with-and Im not the only one. This campaign is OUR campaign-and let me tell you it is very empowering to be a part of. We know it will be hard and a lot of work-but growth and change always are.

6. He respects us and values us. Listen to his speeches and how he communicates with the crowds. He never talks down to anyone. He never lectures to you but instead takes a real and genuine approach to the people he talks to.

7. He is trustworthy and genuine. These are two characteristics that we need in our next President. I trust him and all his grassroot work. I trust his judgement and ability to make a clear choice and not pander. I trust him to keep us involved in this process. I trust him to move us and this country forward.

8. His experience...experience?! Yep, but it's the right kind of experience. He knows the political games and he can recognize them for what they are. He knows there is a better way to bring people to a table and have a real honest discussion on how to bring about health care for everyone. He knows you have to talk to everyone-even your so-called enemies. He knows you have to work together beyond labels and titles. ...and he is not afraid to do this.

9. He can win. Ok my last point..and an apology to any Republicans reading this. But it is true..Obama can beat the Republican candidate (either of them). Due to a lot of the reasons I just mentioned and a whole lot more...

So my fellow Dems what are you waiting for? For all those who have yet to vote or caucus, I ask you to choose wisely. For Independents I ask that you keep that open mind and look at Obama-he is the most unique choice..and for the Republicans..come on over-if only just this once. You have to admit he makes sense and ask yourself when was the last time you felt this good to vote or caucus?

Obama is the right choice from both a thought-based and informed gut perspective.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh What a Night!

Well, well what a night! No matter who you are pulling for, on either side..this has been one heck of a study in our Democratic process. When 10 year-olds are walking around and able to carry a conversation with senior citizens about a candidate; there is something special happening. New life has been pumped into the American political process. Tonight was just the beginning, especially here in California, and we have experienced it all...wrong ballots for voting, not enough ballots, voting locations closed-then re-opened (even while the state was already called for a candidate). In the Bay area alone, it was reported that SF had the highest turn out in 30 years! All around the country people sitting on the edge of their seats, watching every percentage point, guessing every delegate count-and still questions remain on both the GOP and Democrat sides. How will CA split for the Dems? Will Romney stay in the race? Who will get the next big endorsement? Who can translate the Democrats delegate count?

I hope the excitement that has followed this whole election process has shown at least one thing..and that is to vote. This is our right and when we exercise it you see what can happen. I hope the momentum of involvement continues for eons to come. I think it is very important for people to discuss and closely look at the candidates and issues-not just focus on sound bites or talking heads.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Time for Reason

Reason? Yes..reason. Good old fashioned reasoning and dare I even say some employment of logic. Now before you go running away fearful that this is going to be some dry and academic-ridden drivel...please be assured this will not be. I'm all for humor and wit when discussing and theorizing current events; I just want to see more thought process involved. I love to see the discussion process and hope to help create a dialog here. I always welcome opinions and will consider this like a forum for ideas, points and respectful counterpoints. I look to what is going on in current events for fodder and put forth my own reasons on them. I hope to give a different or unique view and at the very least bring attention to adding reason and logic back into the equation. Feel free to join me in my pursuit..